The South Tyrolean Business Association for Craftsmen and Service Providers lvh.apa., together with its partner ACMI, has been organising South Tyrol's first in-service sustainability course for its members since 2022. Speakers from home and abroad cover a wide range of topics to introduce participants to the issue of corporate sustainability. The specific question is what potential and concrete possibilities South Tyrol's craft enterprises have in strengthening corporate and territorial sustainability.

Seminar on sustainable entrepreneurship, IT

LIA Academy

Client: lvh.apa

Daria Habicher was one of the speakers and covered topics such as the relevance of sustainability for business success, CSR and aspects of social sustainability as well as the ecological footprint. Group discussions, experimenting with the lvh sustainability checklist as well as an interactive game to calculate their own footprint invited the participants to actively participate. Through the combination of theory and practice, they gained a better understanding of their own company and personal situation and concrete suggestions on how to implement them.


Future Workshop for the South Tyrolian department of culture, IT


Hamm 2040, DE