lia [lī∙a] association, confederation, alliance, federation, connection, guild

A group of like-minded people who set out together

More about us…

  • We are an interdisciplinary collective of young individuals with diverse backgrounds, equipped with diverse skills and competencies that the socio-ecological transformations of our time request. After studying and working in different countries as well as in South Tyrol, we felt the urge to combine our experiences and competencies in an innovative and motivated collective. A network of people that believe in the importance of collective teamwork in order to support public and private entities, companies, and organizations with the transformation of their surroundings as well as the created relations between space and its inhabitants.

  • Many signs indicate that our planet, and particularly the future generations who will inhabit it, are in danger. We see it as our responsibility to contribute positively to a socio-ecological compatible, healthy, and livable future.

  • Our expertise helps those seeking out new paths in eco-social transformations towards a liveable future. We support cities, municipalities, project developers, space pioneers, and social initiatives as well as entrepreneurs and people in need.


Let’s Work Together